Bayesian inference is a statistical method for updating beliefs and probabilities based on new evidence, founded on Bayes' Theorem. Unlike traditional statistical approaches that rely solely on current data, Bayesian inference combines prior knowledge or beliefs (called prior probabilities) with new evidence to calculate updated probabilities (called posterior probabilities). This approach mirrors how humans naturally learn and update their understanding of the world as they gather new information.
To illustrate Bayesian inference, consider a doctor diagnosing a rare disease that affects 1% of the population. Before running any tests, the doctor knows this base rate (prior probability) and has access to a diagnostic test that is 95% accurate for positive cases (sensitivity) and 90% accurate for negative cases (specificity). If a patient tests positive, Bayesian inference combines the prior probability (1% disease rate) with the new evidence (positive test result) and test accuracy rates to calculate the actual probability of the patient having the disease. This provides a more nuanced and accurate assessment than relying on either the population statistics or test results alone.
Bayesian inference has become increasingly important in modern applications, from medical diagnosis and scientific research to machine learning and artificial intelligence. In machine learning, it enables models to express uncertainty in their predictions, update their understanding as new data arrives, and make reasonable predictions even with limited data. The method's ability to incorporate prior knowledge makes it particularly valuable in fields where data is sparse or expensive to obtain. Moreover, Bayesian inference provides a rigorous framework for comparing different models or hypotheses, naturally penalizing unnecessary complexity while rewarding models that explain the data well.